Picture yourself in the arms of a Masterful Dancer. Tall and handsome, He twirls you around and around across the dance floor. It seems your feet never tap the floor, yet they do. You are the feather, He, the breeze. He is steady and strong and you feel safe in his graceful embrace, one hand gently at your waist, the other deftly in yours. The music plays on and you sway to it's slow rhythm. A blended ballet of graceful thought and calm energy. You feel like a star, a seasoned, gifted artist. He looks into your eyes and your heart thrills as he dips you just the slightest degree as a sweeping crescendo to your time with him on the dance floor of your life. He is your forever friend and super-charged dance partner. His name is Imagination.
Now picture yourself (actually, this was me last Friday) at day's end, bone tired, aching for some sofa time, some brainless TV bits, some shut eye moments. You've rushed and huffed, gulped your lunch while editing your newsletter while simultaneously texting your teen-aged grandson about his updated birthday list. Whew!
So you plop down on the couch and reach for a quick and crunchy snack for what could be deemed: dinner. Just as your shoe-less feet slip onto upon the ottoman, you click your favorite TV channel only to find yet another daunting political mayhem. Eyes shut momentarily, you remember your neglected emails and your Monday-born commitment to all things healthy. Oops! You lay aside your bag of chips Your cell phone chimes away and your "land line" flashes laser lights from across the room. And what about that half drafted post for your spiffy new blog design, the one you promised to publish Saturday by noon?
Here's the good news, there's sound, happy hope for those racing thoughts and whirlwind days. We can balance email answers, catch the latest on global warring and by linking our thoughts with the kind gift of our Imaginations. For with the remarkable advances of our time lives the pounding (often self-induced) demands of instant knowing, doing, fixing. The street corners of our minds scream, "hear me, see me, give me your time, your money, your attention, often leaving us mentally limp. Information overload is now as intimidating as the lack of it in the early days of the last century. The 21st century has been deemed the Spinning century by many.
Folks, we are global; that's good, grand at times, but with our wide exposure to world-wide news coverage, we also get involved into its garbage and gripes as well. We may have to swim with the international sharks but must we swing with electronic noise and toys twenty-four seven? Teens, look up, speak to me, slowly and with your eyes. Guys and gals, listen to the hummingbirds, feel the sun and rain on your upturned faces. Grand ladies and gents, tune in to the fine folds of meditation, if only for a few minutes in your days.
You see, I've thought about this push/pull dilemma Americans wrestle with daily. Yes, life is a swift journey and to our quest quite simply: Imagine What must we do to slow down our spinning, thinning thoughts and still gain the gusto to succeed in this high voltage world we find ourselves?
The next three weekly posts will discuss the final steps in how to achieve the rich and meaningful life you may have desired. The life aglow with imagination is one of color and motion yet stilled and enriched, forever mindful of the swift journey of a purposed life. Much like God, Imagination is always present, always ready to create new ways to cope with the daily challenges. He's full of limitless ways to think, act and observe, eager to ignite your spirit with the "dancing mind" that acclaimed poet, Toni Morrison speaks of with reverence.
Using the acrostic for IMAGINE here are the first THREE of TEN
steps to learn how to "slow dance" with your imagination:
l. TRUST this process and TAKE a time out (if for only a few minutes) to mentally fall into the arms of Imagination. The relaxed mind is most receptive to opening up one's imagination and creativity. {Guys, this is a great time to use your imagination} Seriously, walk across the room, arms lifted in position, and waltz across the floor. This seemingly silly act may feel ridiculous but it is not only an option, but an excellent way to instantly regain your composure and reset your mindset to peace mode. In peace mode, one almost always sports a smile and a smile is the gateway to harmony which is the essential ingredient to a dancing mind.
2. INVEST in yourself by buying a scribble journal to record your most random thoughts and mind pictures. Many come with half the page blank and the half lined. This is where you must get as sassy and messy and outrageous as possible. I've found that freely developing a rich and meaningful imagination is as important for ones mental health (and overall well being) as a healthful meal, a hearty walk, a good belly laugh. So, dear friends, scribble your way to excellence. Date and sign each page and honor your images as part of your soul, a kind of sloppy dress rehearsal for future work. Albert Einstein said, "Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions."
3. MASTER the art of mindfulness. At least three times a day, stop your are doing and sit down. With hands in lap, feet on floor, roll your head side to side gently, then back and forth. Take in all that is around you - the colors, the sounds, the smells, your emotions of the moment. Add in a desire, a good thought, a "what if"? Take note to remember those moments. As soon as possible, record those images with scribbles and free write. Free write is an act where grammar is out and spontaneity is center stage.
4. ENTERTAIN yourself with the notion that whatever you see in your mind's eye can become reality. With wild freedom, dream, think, imagine and wonder about your highest desires. Remember that imagination diminishes and eliminates the perception of obstacles. Allow your mind to fly and rely on imagination's limitless power. Remember, imagination is fueled through input.
Join me (Are You A Visionary, Am I?) for the next three ways your imagination can change (enlarge) your life and your future.
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