However, this Tuesday during my morning walkabout, my mind wandered and drifted to other lands, mysterious and intriguing. In a kind of dream state I traveled in my mind to the South of France, the Museums of Paris,and the English Countryside. I must grab my wanderlusts by the scruff of the neck and reschedule the afternoon. Or ,I could remain on the shores of Lake Como . . . but its Tuesday, the responsible day where the left brain bruisers have their way.
If I stay on track and balanced with my work time, soaking-in-the-tub time, snackingl time, coffee sloshing time, driving time, blogging time, grand mothering time, Golden Retriever walking time, cell-phoning time, e-mailing time, cooking time, TV time, and nappng time, I'll have just enough time for what's truly important:: prayer time. With that determined, I'll look Tuesday square in the eye and drop to my knees. I've found that prayer multiples the minutes, especially early morning prayers. Taking time for the sacred saves time, adjusts the hours to their highest and best use and gracefully energizes my spirit and mind. With Lake Como's soft breezes lingering, I rest and rethink my hectic life.
So, I appreciate you, Tuesday, for reminding me to stop and pray. Yes, oh yes, Tuesday gets my vote for the prime time when all things prayerful are sifted and cupped for a holy purpose, even with the Italian day dreams. And there's still time for hugging my grandsons and gathering petunias from my own back yard..
When oft I wander in my mind
To lands of fancy, far and wide
I then must blink and timely find
God's best for me is by His side
"Travel the paths paved with fine gold
surely you'l find your heart growing cold.
Travel the paths untraveled and steep