It's 10:00 am, Earth Day, do you know where your thermostat stays, are your empty Cheerio boxes separated from your rinsed Smucker's jars.
I took Earth Day to heart this year by getting down to earth . . . in my budding garden and in my lifestyle. Because of the Spring rains, my garden's green and luscious, fragrant and feisty with wonderful weeds galore. So, today, I chucked off my roses' dead wood, gathered azaleas for my kitchen table, plucked pansies, and with gusto pinchhed off last year's rose hips. I left all the clover and dandelions. Most know I adore dandelions.
As I traipsed through my garden, I ask myself, just how "green" am I and how can I "green up" my corner of the earth? One job is to consider my imprint with my size seven flip flops. If I live into my late '90's like my grandmother and aunt, I may be here a while, so this grandmother of eight must stay current with the latest and best uses of my life practices. I, not only need to conserve my land, but contribute to it as well.
I do have a few confessions to make. I still take long sudsy baths, clean mirrors with Windex instead of vinegar water, and worst of all . . . I leave on a night light. I'm improving on recycling, though, and collect rain water for my begonias.
Some learn everything in Kindergarten, I am forever schooled in my garden. The lessons mandated by Mom Nature in the garden and the one's taught by God, the Master Gardener, are linked one to another.
On my knees with spade pushing deep in the soil, I am grounded, a part of my earth. The richness of the garden reminds me of the higher Design - nature's life cycle - the miracle of seed and growth, harvest and need. On my knees in prayer I am also grounded and encouraged to plant seeds of hope and restoration, love and care for others. It's there I find purpose for my life and the passion I desire.
For me, much is birthed through a mindful, artful lifestyle. I contribute through the freedom and fun found in the art of creativity. I am a vessel with voice, that's all.
So, whether its Earth Day or Tuesday, I am ready, willing and able to work with my hands and heart? I will patiently wait for the ripe and readied harvest. In due season, I will be there to reap the goodness from the good earth. Yes, I will be there.
Oh, I plant a tree a year and last year planted three. This year I have a weeping willow picked for my front yard. Good for me, don't you think?
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